Primary Care & Patient Leadership

Encouraging, developing and supporting leadership across Primary Care 

Developing Outstanding Leadership in Primary Care  

During the next few years, primary care will undergo enormous changes to meet the ambitions of the NHS Long Term Plan and the recommendations of the Fuller Stocktake Report: Next steps for Integrating.

The pressures of an ageing population, the need for better health outcomes, recruitment and retention issues, an increased use of technology, the introduction of Integrated Care Systems, and greater collaboration through Primary Care Networks all present leadership challenges for those working in primary care.

Leaders will need to work more collectively across networks and systems, to be visionary in designing future services, and more effective in leading their teams to help improve the quality of patient care and the health and well-being of local communities.

This ebook has been compiled to support the primary care workforce by highlighting all the programmes that the NHS Leadership Academy has to offer. Click on the link below to download a copy.

Download eBook

Being a Bridge across your Community

This programme is for Patient Leaders to support them to develop their negotiating, advocating, and coaching skills to be a voice for community engagement/empowerment and impact on the changes that are happening in health and social care as Integrated Care Systems become established

It has never been more important for patients to be involved in the planning and delivery of the services in their communities that will best meet their needs.  The Fuller Stocktake emphasised that this is most effective when health providers work in partnership with the people, communities, and local authority colleagues in their area.

The programme is open to people who have completed the Leadership Academy Effective Lay Partner Programme or similar and are currently actively working as a Patient Leader or Lay Partner

It will be delivered virtually by Mandy Dunn and Professor Lis Paice over 4 sessions in November 2022.

Session OneCurrent Roles and Network opportunities, goals, and challenges  Tuesday 1st November 9am – 12pm
Session TwoConnecting across BoundariesTuesday 8th November 9am – 12pm  
Session ThreeMaintaining your effectiveness as a Lay Partner  Tuesday 15th November 9am – 12pm
Session FourWorking in and across NeighbourhoodsTuesday 29th November 9am – 12pm  

To book a place on the programme please complete the application form here Being a Bridge Application Form

Closing date for applications:     Sunday 9th October 2022

Supporting PCN Development and new ways of working

As Primary Care Networks become more established, and a wider and more diverse workforce come together to improve the provision and delivery of care to their patient population, there is more of a need than ever for different professional groups to grow and work together.

The London Leadership Academy offer a range of programmes to support these changes.

The Rosalind Franklin Programme for Nurses Working in General Practice and Primary Care

The Rosalind Franklin programme is for mid to senior nurses in general practice and primary care aspiring to lead large and complex programmes, teams, services or systems of care in general practice federations, primary care networks and integrated care systems. 

As part of our continuous commitment to developing outstanding leadership at all levels across the NHS, this programme has been commissioned by the team leading the NHS England General Practice Nursing Ten Point Plan and adapted and developed to meet the needs of nurses working in midlevel leadership positions in general practice and primary care. 

For more information about The Rosalind Franklin Programme, and to register your interest for future cohorts Rosalind Franklin for Nurses

Coaching and Mentoring for the Primary Care Workforce

For the primary care workforce, operating in the context of increasing complexity and ambition requires the ability to build relationships, listen and talk openly, to set aside preconceived ideas of best practice and truly collaborate. This, in turn, needs a leadership shift from ‘problem-solver’ to ‘coach’. Evidence tells us the development of these vital coaching skills can build confidence, develop non-clinical leadership skills and support change.

The London Leadership Academy offer a range of programmes which offer both the opportunity to link with a mentor or coach for your own development, or to develop your own coaching skills to use in your day to day work.

We have curated our extensive register of highly skilled coaches to identify a small group of individuals who are well equipped to offer coaching support to support the people leading the primary care workforce in these rapidly changing times. As part of their commitment to the London LLLL Team, these coaches will have been accessing our extensive programme of CPD, as well as our coaching supervision sessions.

For more information about how to access this coaching and mentoring please click link below:

Primary Care Coaching and Mentoring

For more information about any of the following programmes, developed to support you to expand your knowledge and skills, please contact

The Power of Coaching techniques to support PCN Development:  an introduction to coaching techniques to support PCN Development designed to equip primary care staff with the understanding, tools, and skills that using a coaching approach can bring to support your PCN to develop and evolve.

Coaching skills for more effective conversations for GP Appraisers:  With the changes to the format of GP Appraisal with a stronger focus on professional development and wellbeing this workshop will provide GP Appraisers with an overview of the theoretical background to coaching and an opportunity to practice skills to enable participants to move from a problem -solving to a coaching style approach to support long term development for their appraisees.

Personalised Care and Patient Leadership

Co-production and collaboration in the health and care sector are increasingly recognised as essential part of the way forward . The London Leadership Academy have been working with both patients/citizens and health and social care workers to take this agenda forward.

The Effective Lay Partner Programme: This programme takes a coaching approach allowing Lay Partners to develop the necessary skills, attitudes and behaviours in a space where they have the opportunity to speak with healthcare professionals as equals. Download the Programme report:

Final Effective Lay Partner Programme Paper

Connect and Share Programme: A programme for Effective Lay Partner alumni to reconnect and share their experiences ands learning and continue to build an informal network of support.

Mentoring skills for Patient Leaders:  As a Patient Leader , or Effective Lay Partner who is working with healthcare professionals to improve services) there is great potential to support colleagues who are new to the role or finding it challenging. This programme was co-designed with Connect and Share Alumni  to develop the skills and knowledge to understand what being a mentor means and how to do it effectively.

Leadership for Personalised Care: Personalised Care is a whole-population approach to support people of all ages and their carers to manage their physical and mental health and wellbeing, build community resilience, and make informed decisions and choices when their health changes.

Making personalised care happen calls for new types of leaders who can work across organisational boundaries, make connections and bring staff, people and communities together to drive change. We are delighted to be working with NHSE to deliver the Leadership for Personalised programme again this year.

The programme will include:

  • The components of Personalised Care and what it means in your local context
  • Building skills in relating and storytelling to help you make your case for change
  • Collaborative leadership, host leadership and leading in complex systems
  • Your collective leadership strengths and how to bring others on board
  • Making co-production happen – with people on a 1-2-1 basis and with local communities
  • Helping you develop your local plan for change.

It will suit you if:

  • You want to meet the new challenge of making personalised care a reality in the NHS as set out in the Long Term Plan
  • You want to ensure that services are planned and delivered based on ‘what matters’ to people
  • You want to develop expertise in partnership working across boundaries and co-production with people and communities
  • You want to do more to build community capacity.

Please email for information about future cohorts

NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme in Primary Care

The NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme has been running since 1956. It’s produced many inspirational leaders, including Sir David Nicholson, former Chief Executive of the NHS and Simon Stevens, current Chief Executive of the NHS.

This is a great opportunity to encourage the Graduates Trainees to dip their toe into primary care and attract future generations of leaders to consider it as a serious career path option.

James Hardy Pickering, a General Management trainee, spent his flexi placement in ​a GP surgery and said:

I had a brilliant experience at the GP surgery for my flexi placement. I was given the opportunity to scope and plan an IT project for future implementation, deputise for the practice manager when she was on leave and deliver the practice’s flu jab clinics.  The discrete and small nature of general practice afforded me huge insights into the running and development of a practice. It exposed me to every staff member in the practice and really felt like a condensed hospital trust with administrative, AHP, clinical and support staff and I learnt more in two months about general practice than I did in the year I was in secondary care.” ​

For more information about how you and your service can work with GMTS contact

Working at Scale: Strategic Skills Programme for Practice/Business and PCN Managers 2022/23

“If you’re a Practice/Business/PCN Manager in Primary Care, then this ‘Working at Scale’ skills development programme is likely to be of interest to you or a colleague”.

The London Leadership Academy are delighted to announce further cohorts of this programme; updated to reflect the rapid changes COVID has bought about to the way we work and designed to equip experienced delegates with the tools, skills, strategies and networks to lead, manage and influence change, and consider how Primary Care Networks (PCN’s) and the NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) will start to shape the way healthcare is delivered locally, regionally and nationally, and have a voice in the emerging Integrated Care Systems.

The purpose of the programme is for delegates to have an opportunity to step away from their busy operational environment and spend time networking, sharing best practice and working ‘on their local healthcare environment’ rather ‘operationally in it’.

Specifically, the programme aims are to: –

  1. Provide delegates with a robust learning environment to develop ideas, strategies, skills and tools to drive their Practice and Primary Care Networks forward, as appropriate.
  2. Give delegates time and space away from the busy operation to help them shape, plan build and deliver change across the London Region, and in their Practice.
  3. Work with others on common challenges and issues within Primary Care, (e.g. Resourcing) and develop ways of working in collaboration, co-production, and joined up thinking.
  4. Develop and enhance leadership skills and strategic thinking, and how to engage others in change
  5. Enhance and develop the delegates personal network of healthcare leaders and decision makers in Primary Care.

Attending the Programme

This programme will be delivered virtually using the Zoom platform, Delegates will find the programme engaging, interactive, informative, supportive, challenging and practical.

Throughout the programme delegates will be introduced to the latest thinking in the use of healthcare technology and broaden their understanding of the different perspectives of stakeholder groups, enabling them to make more informed decisions around working in collaboration with others.

During the programme delegates will have the opportunity to work in small groups on a change theme where they can apply their knowledge and skills in an improvement project.  Delegates will also have access to Aspire’s Digital Learning Hub, an on-line training platform designed to enhance the remote learning experience, and includes access to a range of management tools, programme handouts, videos, questionnaires, further reading material, virtual workshops, and personal learning activities (a range of pre and post workshop activities) to embed learning in a supportive and practical way.

If you would like to register interest for future programmes contact: