The Clinical Fellows scheme delivers on a key commitment of the NHS People Plan 2020/21, to expand the opportunities and support to talented clinical leaders and to strengthen clinical leadership capability in the NHS. The scheme has been established by NHS England and NHS (NHSE) in partnership with the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM) in recognition of FMLM’s considerable experience in managing highly prestigious national leadership fellowships.
The scheme places talented, diverse, early career clinicians from all professional groups in NHS regional teams to gain experience in systems working, and to develop a range of skills to equip them as future leaders. The scheme is funded by the People Directorate of NHSE.
Leadership development is supported through a comprehensive educational programme to enhance clinical fellow’s leadership capabilities. FMLM brings together clinical fellows from parallel national leadership schemes in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland to connect, collaborate and to share best practice and opportunities across the UK. Also, as part of NHSE’s commitment in the NHS People Plan 2020/21, a formal alumnus scheme has been established to provide ongoing talent management for national and regional clinical fellow alumni. An alumnus database will be developed, creating a talent pool for NHS England and NHS and the wider healthcare system to draw on.
More about the programme:
What is it?
The NHS Regional Clinical Leadership Fellow Scheme offers multi-professional clinicians with the opportunity to work in regional systems, leading improvement projects across clinical pathways, retaining a clinical role and increasing their leadership capabilities.
The scheme is open to the following professional groups that meet the essential eligibility requirements: dentists, pharmacists, nurses, midwives, healthcare scientists, allied health professionals and doctors (including public health specialty trainees from a background other than medicine and trust grade, staff grade or associate specialists). Full eligibility requirements can be found on NHS Regional Clinical Leadership Fellow Scheme | Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (
How it works
Clinical Fellow will be based in NHS regional teams across England for 12 months from 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2023. Posts are less than full time (0.6FTE) and clinical fellows will lead on key projects that contribute to regional and national priorities including the recovery, reset and implementation of learning from Covid-19.
What it offers
The scheme offers clinicians the unique opportunity to work within London NHS Regional Team to gain experience of system leadership, transformation, and service improvement, which will equip them with the skills they need to lead within a complex and integrated NHS of the future.
The FMLM education programme supports leadership development and learning and will be facilitated across the fellowship period. In addition, on completion, fellows will join an active Alumni Scheme to support ongoing leadership development, access to additional opportunities and expanded networks.
To apply or register your interest please visit NHS Regional Clinical Leadership Fellow Scheme 2022/23 | Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (
London Alumni of 21/22:
Non-urgent advice: Rachael Andrews
Regional Clinical Fellow, NHS England & Care Programme Manager
“The regional clinical fellow programme has given me insights into the structure of the NHS and how it functions at a regional level. This understanding has helped me to develop in both my clinical and fellowship roles. The FMLM education programme and other courses, alongside my fellowship projects, have enabled me to grow as a clinical leader. One of my key achievements so far in my fellowship role has been planning, organising and running a webinar on the work of my NHSE team, which drew an audience of over 100 and received overwhelmingly positive feedback. Another achievement is writing a report on the current status of out of hours interventional radiology services across London, highlighting gaps and offering recommendations for improving service provision for London.”

Non-urgent advice: Ryan Passey
Clinical Leadership Fellow, NHS England
“Being a clinical leadership fellow has been a fascinating and enriching experience. The part-time element has been particularly useful as not only have I been able to keep a hand in my clinical work but I have also been able to see the impact on my leadership skills in real time, something clinical colleagues have commented on. I have been really well supported via regular supervision, mentoring, and educational support. I was given the freedom to explore various avenues presented when scoping my project and opportunities to present at various clinical groups. The educational element of the fellowship not only provides insight into leadership theory and how to implement this into practice, it has been an opportunity to form networks with other fellows from a range of fellowship schemes, professional groups, and regions, sharing our journeys and learning from each other. I’m really excited to see what the next few months of the fellowship have to offer, and feel that this opportunity will be a springboard into a new direction for my career and professional development.”

Non-urgent advice: Sarah Paxman
Regional Clinical Fellow, London
“One of the best things about being a Clinical Fellow is that allows you access into a world that you might not have entered otherwise. I have had so much support from senior clinical leaders I have reached out to, with requests to shadow them or attend their meetings. I’ve been able to witness and learn from some really inspiring examples of clinical leadership in action at regional and national levels – opportunities that you just wouldn’t get with the access that being a fellow provides. I’ve been able to work on some new and exciting projects outside of my specialism, and also been given the time and space to pursue projects that I am really passionate about. I’m proud of what I have achieved so far, and excited about what the future might bring.”

Non-urgent advice: Onik Chowdhury
Regional Clinical Fellow, London
“The NHS Regional Clinical Fellowship has been instrumental in me building a practical understanding of how sustainable change is made within the NHS. Working within the Prevention workstream within NHS England, I built my confidence around engaging stakeholders, co-ordinating programmes as well as chairing events. I had a supportive network of colleagues and mentors throughout my year, which offered much appreciated advice throughout my time with NHS England. I would recommend the fellowship to any healthcare professional with an interest in leadership, and making healthcare more accessible for communities.”