Leadership Development

Our core focus as an organisation is supporting leadership across health and social care. We aim to develop leadership from ward to Board, helping everyone – regardless of their title or position – to engage in leadership and to the embrace the day-to-day challenge of leading in the complex content of service delivery.

We promote the national programmes that are offered, from the open online Edward Jenner through to the Nye Bevan offer to senior leaders. Similarly,  we have local and national initiatives that actively work to make leadership in health and social care meaningfully inclusive. Details of these programmes can be found on the NHS Leadership Academy national website.

We work with the NHS across the capital to enrich the leadership development activity that those organisations are seeking to offer to their workforce. So, for example, we have an extensive coaching and mentorship offer, alongside a commitment to the Healthcare Leadership Model (HLM) and, in particular, encouraging uptake of the 360 feedback option that exists.

As experts in the field of leadership and its development, we consult with others across the health and social care field to offer information, advice and guidance around this vital topic.