Organisational Development

Time to Think

How many of us truly think for ourselves? If people are the real resources in an ever changing, demanding healthcare environment, then thinking our own thoughts and expressing our own ideas is vital for the long term sustainability of the NHS. So in this interactive one day event, led by Time to Think pioneer Nancy Kline, we will explore and practice the various ways you can create thinking environments throughout an organisation.

Since 1973 Nancy Kline has pioneered and developed the ‘Thinking Environment’ a methodology that enables people at every level to think for themselves, with rigour, imagination and courage.

This workshop, limited to only eight places, aims to give participants the experience of how this process can increase the quality of thinking in, and thus of concrete results from, human interactions at individual, team and organisational levels.

To see testimonials of Nancy’s inspiring work click here.

“As we make sense of the change in the 21st century, a deep understanding of the Thinking Environment should be part of every leadership programme. It intrinsically values the contribution and humanity of each person, and drives team effectiveness. Its power is evident in higher quality relationships, as well as shorter, smarter meetings.” – Rosemary Grant, Statutory Director, Johnson & Johnson Medical UK

If you would like LLA to run a Time to Think session in your organisation, please email for more information.

Page last reviewed: 27 May 2021