Healthcare Leadership Model

Healthcare Leadership Model

  • Healthcare Leadership Model

The Healthcare Leadership Model (HLM) describes what good leaders do, and it will help you develop as a leader by showing you how your leadership behaviours affect the culture and climate you, your colleagues, and teams work in. The model is made up of nine leadership dimensions, which you can explore in your own time, at your own pace.

You’ll find brief descriptions of each dimension – why it is important and ‘what it is not’ – so that you can fully understand it in relation to your role. Once you’ve explored the dimensions, you may want to undertake the free self-assessment tool, which helps you to assess your leadership behaviours and more fully understand your leadership development.

Upcoming Events

Continuing Professional Development for HLM Facilitators (November 2021)

The NHS Leadership Academy are delighted to offer a series of bitesize CPD sessions for accredited Healthcare Leadership Model Facilitators in 2021-22.