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Leadership in Action Exchange (LAX): A learning space for NHS, Local Authority, and Third Sector Leaders


The LAX is a collaborative initiative between the NHS London Leadership Academy (LLA) with colleagues from London Councils. It also reflects informal connections that the LLA has forged with health-related charitable organisations in the capital.

It is convened in recognition of the need amongst leaders in health and social care to have space and time to consider the practicalities of seeking to work in harmony together with a common aim. Additionally, it recognises how these endeavours can no longer be seen as straightforward and that the complexity of all of this requires a new way of seeing and being in our world.

The convenors come to this endeavour with nothing more than an earnest ambition to offer an opportunity for motivated leaders to develop their appreciation of the nature of the systems in which they work and to find ways for themselves to qualitatively change the way in which they show up in those systems.

There is no “Grand Plan” for LAX among the organisers. Instead, this activity will mirror the way that we should all be working in our systemic contexts. First and foremost, that means bringing people together in a safe space for an honest dialogue.

The artist Paul Klee talked about taking drawing as being taking a line for a walk. The convenors see LAX as a means to take understanding,
ideas and relationships for a walk, just to see where they take everyone who is involved.

What happens after LAX, then, will be determined solely by what happens at LAX. And participants will be the person who decide that.

We invite you to consider joining this online event if:

  • You have a role that inspires you to try to connect more of the system to itself for the benefit of the population;
  • You recognise a need to expand your appreciation of how thinking systemically might support vital innovation in health and social care; and
  • You are convinced that traditional leadership cannot deliver what is currently needed and there is not a ready-made new
    model of leadership waiting in the wings.

Or if you are just motivated to think critically and creatively about crafting innovative, effective and equitable health and social care!

We will run LAX via Zoom, offering up to 100 people the opportunity to come together on the day to engage in a collective inquiry in order to sense make around the issue of working in systems. It will also provide the chance to challenge ourselves to think as expansively as we can around the core question of how we might encourage the development of a 21stC system that wraps around each and every resident in the population that we serve.


To book your place please click on the link below, you will be redirected to NHS England events page.


Questions about this event?

Organiser : Mark Cole

Email: mark.cole@leadershipacademy.nhs.uk

<p>Phone: 07926072165</p>