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Coaching and Mentoring EMCC CPD Event – A Deeper Dive into Transactional Analysis – The Games People Play

Target Audience: Coach/Mentor practitioner, Senior Practitioner, Master Practitioner

Length: 3 hours (including a 15-minute break)

Deliver Method – Virtually via Zoom

What is this event about?

Transactional Analysis (TA) is a set of theories which aim to simplify some very complex human experiences and relationship dynamics. Using TA as a map, we can support our client to make sense of and navigate their experiences in new, more resourceful ways, ultimately aiming for a “healthy”, Adult-to-Adult dynamic.

This workshop looks at the idea of “Game Playing” where what is being said does not match with what is going on psychologically. The surface level message (what is said) is very different from what is actually meant. Games are usually dysfunctional strategies to try to get needs met and by creating awareness and understanding we can help our clients to find new more useful and positive approaches. During the event we will look at practical approaches to using the Drama Triangle to work
at deeper levels of the clients’ systems of thinking / feeling / behaving.

What will it cover?

• Brief refresh of Ego States
• The Games people play
• The Drama Triangle
• Avoiding and Exiting the Drama Triangle
• Using TA to support:
• *Self-Awareness of Coach
• *Contracting and Coach/Client Relationship
• *Noticing the Coachees repeating patterns
• *Psycho-education (sharing the models with clients)

Why should I attend?

Participants can expect to come away with an understanding of the ways that we as coaches, and our clients, can get hooked into psychological game playing. Using the model of the drama triangle to understand and identify the core dynamics of game playing and the different types of thinking / feeling / behaving generated by each we will look at how this shows up for us as coaches and for our clients and how it can provide new insights, perspectives and approaches in relationship dynamics, conflict,
self-talk and communication.

How will it run?

The session will be a mixture of presentation (using a range of techniques), group discussion, sharing of examples and exploration / reflection in small groups

Who will present?

Bronwyn Nash has been utilising TA models / theory in her coaching since 2014 and has shared the theories and models with 100’s of coachees as well as regularly teaching 2 day in-depth modules on TA in coaching for The Animas Centre for Coaching. Bronwyn has written articles introducing TA to coachees and uses the models to help people to recognise the different parts of their identity and the relationships they have with themselves and others.

Please note:

Places are limited so please ensure that if you need to make cancellations you email  london.coachingandmentoring@nhs.net in advance so that your place can be offered to someone else. We will send confirmation of your cancellation by email. Any DNA’s will be monitored and your future bookings may be rejected.

THIS EVENT IS NOW FULLY BOOKED You can request a place on a waiting list by emailing london.coachingandmentoring@nhs.net