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Coaches CPD – Ethical Dilemmas in Coaching

Target Audience:  Coaches on London Leadership Academy Register

As coaches we are rightly bound by values and ethics – we may subscribe to an ethical code of practice such as those set out by the EMCC or the ICF.  These typically cover issues such as acting with integrity, maintaining confidentiality, acting responsibly, avoiding conflicts of interest etc.  It is easy to assume that these provide a solid and comprehensive underlying set of norms to guide us through any or all of the coaching situations we face.

With emerging ethical dilemma’s and issues such as VCOD what do people do when their ethical code or values do not provide answers?  People may face moments of dilemma in which the answer is neither clear nor absolute.  An ethical dilemma is a problem in the decision-making process between different courses of action, neither of which may be acceptable from an ethical / values-based perspective.  The biggest challenge of an ethical dilemma is that it may not offer an obvious solution – yet people must make a decision about which course of action is best.

In this half day event we will explore ethical dilemmas in relation to coaching:

  • What they might look like
  • What experiences participants may have had
  • A six-step process for how we can deal with ethical dilemmas and their potential impact

Expectation of coaches participating in this CPD

We would like to invite participants to be part of a pool of ethical coaches on the London Coaching Register if there is need to call on your expertise.

Your booking is not confirmed until you have received a confirmation email. Joining instructions will be sent as soon as your booking is confirmed.

Platform: MS Teams – Joining instructions TBC

Booking Closing Date: Sunday 6th March 2022

If you do not attend without giving us 5 days’ notice a non-attendance fee will be charged according to our terms and conditions.

To make cancellations email [email protected]. LLLL will send confirmation of your cancellation by email.

To register your place please complete the form below:

Coaches CPD - Ethical Dilemmas in Coaching 17/03/2022

Please complete this form to register a place on this CPD Workshop.

  • Participant Details

  • Please indicate any additional requirements or comments.
  • Form Questions

Questions about this event?

Organiser : NHS London Leadership Academy

Email: london@leadershipacademy.nhs.uk