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Mary Seacole Facilitators Training 2024

Application Closing Date: Monday 30th September 2024

Confirmation Date:        Friday 4th October 2024

The NHS Leadership Academy Mary Seacole Programme was designed for first time leaders to support them to develop their knowledge and skills in leadership and management.

It consists of 100 hours of online learning plus three behavioural workshops and a written assignment.

We have been running this as local offer in London since 2022, at a cost £150 per person, and are now hoping to expand the number of local facilitators so that we can offer this more widely.

We believe there are benefits for organisations when their workforce completes the Mary Seacole Programme which include:

  • • Partaking in a national, quality assured programme, which will be updated in line with any future leadership standards.
  • • Better succession planning, due to having an increased number of capable leaders in the pipeline.
  • • A wider pool of professional skills to draw on within the organisation.
  • • Structured, evidence-based perspectives on decision-making which have a positive impact.
  • • People with greater positive impact on organisational culture.
  • • Leaders who have powerful strategies to achieve change.
  • • A healthier degree of challenge throughout the organisation rather than just at a senior level.

What will being a Mary Seacole Local Facilitator require:

  • • The Facilitator training is 3 full days (with the option of a further day), which will be delivered via MS Teams by an NHS Leadership Academy approved Mobilizer Trainer.
  • • A commitment to deliver two cohorts of the programme.
  • • Estimated time for delivery of each cohort is 5 days: 1 day prep and 3 days delivery plus an additional day to cover tracking learner contributions on the virtual campus, attending any additional facilitator meetings and any cohort introduction meetings you may want to include.
  • • Facilitators will work in pairs or trios with cohorts of up to 20 participants.
  • • Each cohort runs over a 6-month period, and includes an introduction session, three workshop days on-line and self-directed learning carried out via the London Virtual Campus.
  • • Facilitators are required to interact with the on-line elements of the programme on the Virtual Campus, which usually entails checking the site a couple of times a week, potentially posting topics to prompt conversation, and responding to queries.

What do existing facilitators tell us this really means: Mary Seacole Local Facilitator Compact

“I would say, if you are interested in becoming a trainer or a facilitator this is an excellent place to start, the support is excellent and although I found it terrifying to deliver my first cohort, I really enjoyed it once I was doing it and it is a really good way to develop your skills and confidence”.

Mary Seacole Local London Facilitator and Practice Manager

Training Dates for 2024 **Please note these are provisional dates
21st November 2024 Virtual
28th November 2024 Virtual
3rd December 2024 Virtual
Jan 2025  date TBC F2F

If you are interested in joining this exciting programme, please complete the form below by the 30th September.

The following criteria will be used for selection:

  • • Demonstration of commitment to personal development.
  • • Demonstration of commitment to the development of others.
  • • Confirmation that will be able to deliver two cohorts of the programme.
  • • In addition, the London Leadership Academy will strive to ensure that a range of experience, roles and lived experience are represented across the Facilitator group.
  • • A written statement of support is also required from a line manager as part of the application to become a Mary Seacole Facilitator.

NB. Participants must be able to attend all the Facilitator Training dates, full attendance is necessary to become an approved Facilitator.

Booking Conditions

Please note: Places are limited and NHS finances are under pressure. Your commitment to attendance is crucial to the success and outcome of our events, as well as your continued personal development. Non-attendance prevents others from benefiting from the opportunity.

Please ensure that if you need to make a cancellation you email [email protected] in advance so that your place can be offered to someone else. Any DNA’s will be monitored, and your future bookings may be rejected.

We reserve the right to cancel or postpone an event should unexpected circumstances occur. Should an event need to be cancelled we will not be held responsible for any travel or accommodation that has been pre-booked by the attendee. We will always try to give as much notice as possible for any cancellation.

We will retain a record of your name, job role, organisation, band, and contact details in line with the NHS England privacy policy, for management information and communications purposes and to ensure our offers are accessible and inclusive.

If you are successful and accept your place on this event, we will share your application details, in line with information governance and data protection guidelines, with the event provider, your email address with your cohort participants and may also share it with the members of other relevant London networks to aid communication, sharing of good practice and support overall talent across the NHS and partners. Your booking and attendance signals that you are content that information about you is managed in this way.

Mary Seacole Local London Facilitator Application Form 2024

Step 1 of 3

  • Section 1 – Personal Contact Details

  • Section 2 - Biographical Information

  • Section 3 – Why are you interested in becoming a Mary Seacole Local London Facilitator?



Questions about this event?

Organiser : Bhavika Patel

Email: bhavika.patel16@england.nhs.uk