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Coaching EMCC CPD Event – Getting the Most from Supervision

Target Audience: Coach practitioner, Senior Practitioner, Master Practitioner

What is this event about?

The Purpose of the session is to stimulate coaches to consider how they can get (even) more from their meetings with their supervisors.

What will it cover?

  • A framework for getting the most from your supervision
  • Enriching the supervisory relationship
  • Reviewing your contract with your supervisor or supervisory group: does it cover all it could?
  • The work before the work: reviewing coaching practice and preparing more fully for supervision
  • The rich possibilities of supervisory meetings
  • Learning beyond the session and developing the ‘inner supervisor.’

Why should I attend?

As a result of attending this workshop, we expect coaches to approach supervision better prepared, to engage with it more creatively and demandingly, and to be more rigorous in applying the learning from their supervision to their coaching practice – and thus both to enjoy supervision more and gain more benefits from it.

How will it run?

This will be a participative workshop, with coaches working in pairs or small groups to generate ideas in response to questions arising from the framework which the presenters will offer. There will therefore be both some input (the initial framework), some paired/small group creative work, and plenary sharing of ideas. The workshop will end with action planning and contracting for mutual support and accountability by the coaches.

Who will present?

Andrew Scott is a partner in the Coaching Supervision Partnership, which he formed (with six other colleagues) after working together to design and work through their own Post-Graduate Level Development programme as supervisors, which was validated by the ILM to Level 7.  A very experienced coach and supervisor, he greatly values the supervisory relationship from both sides, and continues to explore and develop how to make it ever more powerful and enjoyable.

Please note:

Places are limited so please ensure that if you need to make cancellations you email [email protected] in advance so that your place can be offered to someone else. We will send confirmation of your cancellation by email. Any DNA’s will be monitored and your future bookings may be rejected.

Coaching EMCC CPD Event - Getting the Most from Supervision

Please complete this form to register a place

  • In order to attend this event, please note you must be a registered Coach on the London Register.
  • Equal Opportunities

    The NHS London Leadership Academy (LLA) are committed to promoting equality and celebrating diversity in line with the Equality Act 2010. LLA collect and monitor protected characteristics data about participants who access leadership development opportunities to identify how well we are doing and remove barriers to awareness and access to leadership development interventions.
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